Posts tagged Life Lessons
Hello Spring - time to plant your foundation.

It’s officially here–spring, and for me I have always found this time of year to be a symbolic rebirth of new beginnings. You know why? During this time, I found myself planting the ideas, setting intentions (seeds if you will) that have brought me to life I’m currently experiencing. But it’s all in hindsight…I forgot that growth takes time, both in life and with flowers, but when things do finally bloom, it’s so worth the wait.

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Happy International Women's Day!

So much has happened the #MeToo movement begun in October 2017 and makes today an even more special celebration. When the stories finally came to light (and for the countless stories that still have not been told) and seeing the positive changes began to shift...all I could think of was all of the women before me and what they all went through; from the Women's Right to Vote to The Women's Movement and now up today with Times Up.

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Happy Valentine's Day!

Someone sending cards confessing one's love for one another, or sending chocolate and flowers as a sign of courting someone. How sweet, simple and romantic. It really doesn't take a lot of effort to show by a small lovely gesture, can be so big. I was a lucky little girl to have my FIRST Valentine be my Dad. He gave me a card, flowers and yes chocolate too!

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Happy Birthday!

I have always been a huge fan of celebrating birthdays because of course, it is your special day where we are celebrating one's life. But the reality is that I am very blessed and rather lucky to be alive period – I was born prematurely, a "preemie" born 2 pounds 2 oz. and was also an identical twin. However, sadly after only living a day, my twin sister passed away. So for me, my birthday is a time to not only reflect on my life but to be grateful that I am even still here, alive to have a life.

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4 Life Lessons to keep you Motivated and Pushing Through when going it alone

Choosing to invest in yourself can be hard, frustrating and feel extremely lonely sometimes. You may be thinking that you made a mistake of embarking on this journey to self-discovery, deciding to quit your everyday job to pursue your dream career or deciding to explore new things - but remember you're not alone.

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