It's (truly) A Wonderful Life!


Every year on December 24th, on Christmas Eve like clockwork, most families turn on the TV on to watch Director Frank Capra's 1946 classic film, "It's a Wonderful Life." Watching this beloved film has become an American tradition, just like Santa Claus himself.

For my family, watching this beautiful cinematic masterpiece has been a tradition as long as I can remember Christmas itself. Each year we not only so look forward to seeing it but we quote this movie endlessly together with anticipation and laughter upon it's airing.

The story itself is not only brilliant acted and beautifully told, but each year as I age, I "see" something brand new with fresh eyes from the film itself. I feel like I truly know the entire Bailey Family and all of their friend's who live in Bedford Falls. While I will always know the ending, I still never get tired of seeing the journey that this film takes me on.

So why am I writing about this film, even though Christmas has recently come and gone? Well, it’s simple, this year is not officially over, not yet. So I wanted to remind you the messages this film brings. How about you to take some time today to think about your own life, where it all brought you this year - the good and bad - and from those experiences, you take them with to what you are wishing for in the new year ahead.

Is your life currently all you want it to be and more? Yes? If so, huge congrats on a job well done!

No? Are you almost getting there or have you even taken many giant leaps backward? Maybe this was a difficult year of loss, pain, sickness or heartbreak for you. Remember that positive changes can happen, even if you are currently stuck in the darkest space of sadness and despair. Just breathe, take things day by day and one day soon, you will get there.

One of the best things about this film is to show the audience how to see and appreciate what one does have in one's life and how to not dwell on what you don't have in your life. I know this can be a difficult thing to master, especially today when we so many see so many others who "have it all" ( especially as it is displayed on social media) and some may feel somehow inadequate if one does not have it ALL. This is an easy trap to fall into, but I know that we all have our own path to follow in life. Life is about choice's and it is truly up to you to make the right choices to shape the life that will be best for you and those in it.

Sometimes, life just happens and these choices are sometimes made for us, just like circumstances did for George and his life in Bedford Falls. He wanted to leave this town and travel the world since he was a little boy and due to family responsibilities and unforeseen circumstances, sadly he never left. In a state of great trouble and despair, he became not only ungrateful and mad about his life, but he also wanted to end it. Suicide is never the answer and it is very common for some to think of suicide during the holiday season.

Here's a reminder for you, that Clarence said to George.

"You see George, you've really had a wonderful life.

Don't you see what a mistake it would be to just throw it away?"

I know you might be thinking, well this is just a movie, but George really did have it ALL. He had all of the things that truly do matter most in this life. He had a beautiful and loving wife, four heathy, happy and gorgeous children. He had the love and respect from his entire community. Had loving and supportive parents, a wonderful brother and great friends who adored him. He truly does have a wonderful life, it just took his guardian angel, Clarence to make him see all of this.

"Remember George: no man is a failure who has friends."

It is never too late to have gratitude. You, may or may not have it all, but truly take the time to see what you do have. I don't mean "stuff and things", I mean having wonderful and loving relationships, great health, happy family and a fulfilling career. If you have at least one of these, then you are truly blessed.

"Strange, isn't it? Each man's touches so many other's lives. We he isn't around, he leaves an awful hole. Doesn't he."

Take these last hours of 2018 and think about what you dreamed of this year that didn't happen. So what it is that you need to do, to make it come true next year? Imagine that in 365 days from now, when you can say that 2019 was the BEST year of your life so far because you made it all happen. Just imagine the wonderful feeling that would be.

The great thing about taking stock of your life at the end of the year is learning to accept what has happened and where you are right now and then the gift you have of embracing a whole new year for new beginnings. For the life you are reaching for, personally and or professionally, write it all down in your journal, or make a vision board or even mark specific goals for future dates on your calendar to make yourself accountable. Here's a fun idea, sit down in six months from now and watch "It's a Wonderful Life". Just to remind yourself, what you are working hard for - for you and for your life. Also a great reminder to show you what blessings you have already have had and currently do have.

Always remember that you are worthy and your life is certainly worthy to be all that you wish. You can also have some or even all of those wonderful life blessings that George had, it isn't a question of if, but simply when. Don't give up hope and always have faith. Have faith in God's timing and always have faith in yourself. Remember to wake up each and every day and have gratitude for LIFE itself. To be alive is truly a wonderful gift from God.

“A toast - to my big brother George, the richest man in town!”

That was the last quote spoken in this movie and then as the camera panned over the entire Bedford Falls community in the Bailey home , everyone began to sing in gratitude this old New Years Eve song:

“Should all acquaintance be forgot and never brought to mind,
Should all acquaintance be forgot and the days of auld lang syne.

For auld lang syne, my dear, for auld lang syne,
We'll take a cup of kindness yet for the sake of auld lang syne.”

On a another note, I hope you all had Merry Christmas and wishing you all a very Happy New Year! Cheers, to this new year being everything you dream of and more. A heartfelt thank you to those who have supported, followed and enjoyed my messages through this platform in 2018!
