Hello All and Hello Autumn!

I love this time of year where Summer is winding down, the weather is changing and for most, it is getting crisp and cooler. Even the mood during this season feels different. I know there are specific reasons for each season, but for me;

I love Fall, most of all.

I grew up in New England and Autumn was such a magical time. Even though it was towards the end of the year, it always felt like to me that it was a new beginning and that anything was possible for the future. The new school year, new weather, a new set of warm cozy clothes, eating different comfort foods, and the changing color of the leaves was a reminder that life all around was preparing for big changes. I loved all of the sights, sounds, smells, and all the feelings that came with Fall. The Autumn leaves showed me that the purpose they had in the Spring and Summer is now changing by color and will eventually fall off and die. This metaphor is a reminder to let things than no longer serve our own life in a positive way and to begin a new chapter. The wonderful thing is that this can mean so many different things for everyone.

Obviously, 2020 has been a devastating and difficult year for the entire world. It has been different in our everyday life in every way, unlike we have ever seen in our lifetime. I have learned that even in the darkest times, this is a chance for all of us to learn our greatest life lessons and grow the most. Just like with failures and losses, you learn so much more than by the wins and gains. I think all the tragic events of this year were meant for all of us to not only take a good hard look at ourselves and but also on how we truly treat others. I think our society has sadly become a culture of glorifying being nonstop busy, overworked, and always exhausted. This home lockdown and isolation was actually a gift in some way and was meant for us to take time to slow down. To rediscover ourselves, to spend real quality time with one's family members, and to reexamine our priorities. I think the world needed to slow down and be reminded of what is truly important in life; family, friends, and being able to say you are healthy, safe, and alive.

So now that Fall has officially arrived, let's take the time to not only try to enjoy this new season but to FALL in LOVE with life again. Yes, even though we are still in the middle of this pandemic and the U.S. is still in of great uncertainty, let's still try to take advantage of this new season. One of the things that made me grow as a person this year was looking at the lockdown as a blessing in some way. Or at least look at lockdown life from a different perspective. The things I loved most I appreciated them even more and the things that drove me nuts, I appreciated them in a new way. I am not going to lie, there were days the past 6 months where I wanted to rip my hair out and scream from feeling like I was literally in the bell jar, despite still staying productive and positive. Yes, I still had some meltdown days, not only were they acceptable but they helped me get through everything.

I am a self-sufficient and responsible person, but it was still scary to be home alone 24/7 and to experience life and death situations when I did leave my house for simple errands like getting groceries. I embraced the situation. Instead of wallowing and feeling like I was a prisoner in my own home, I appreciated the little joys of everyday life at home and made the small things feel big. I cherished my morning time so much more, by enjoying the quiet so much longer while drinking my coffee, not having to race to get ready, and then rush out the door. When it was time to cook a meal, I made it with even more time and TLC and I really tasted my food. I continued to keep my house clean and organized, as I always have but somehow I was taking more pride than ever in doing so. While it can get annoying to do all of your own cleaning, dishes, and laundry for many decades, I somehow even enjoyed doing those things again as well. I took even more pleasure in the small day to day things; a hot shower, eating good comfort food slowly, enjoying my clean bed sheets as I climbed into my bed, watching an old movie that I had already seen before that I just caught on T.V., or even better— I binged a never seen before TV series because I finally had the time to watch. I also enjoyed the talks on the phone and Skype with the special people in my life. Not only did I reexamine (my) life in the quiet moments at home, but also I appreciated all the great conversations with those I couldn't be with in person. You learn very quickly, all over again in a crisis, not only what is truly important but WHO is important in your life. It speaks volumes about one's character of those who check in on others during a time like this epidemic.

I also took stock in my house "To-Do List" and broke it down, so over the coming weeks and months, my own space even felt different like brand new in some ways. I got rid of unnecessary things, organized items, and finished my list. Made me realize that you really don't need a ton of "STUFF" in life. Just the true comforts of home.

I am so proud of myself for being productive every day. It helped me by using my creativity with designing even more items for the Ladies Life Guide's Boutique. My vision for the LLG apparel items has officially surpassed my original vision and apparel goals!

Be sure to check out the entire LLG line, 9 sections to choose from, featuring over 400+ items. There is something fabulous for everyone in the family, from babies to parents.

So getting back to LOVE. What do you love in this life? One of my great loves is traveling to new places and taking photographs. So part of my struggle during this year was not traveling to all the places that I had planned to see, prior to COVID. So in appreciation, I looked at my photos of all my past trips and with anticipation, I researched and made plans for future trips for when it's finally safe. I love to go to the ocean. I love to decompress and feel the salty sea air on my face and hear the huge waves crashing to remind me just how big the ocean truly is and how small we all are. I went to the ocean and one of my favorite beaches in my town during this lockdown and sadly when I arrived, so many people were not wearing a mask. I couldn't even get out of the car to enjoy all the sounds and sights fully. So I took in the view from my car, as the sun was setting, I said a prayer in thanks that I was even there. I vowed to myself that when it was going to be safe to return, I would be back to fully enjoy it. As much as I am a people person and can be sociable, I also love to be alone. I enjoy my solitude and I love being able to do whatever I want; go where I want, with whomever I want - whenever. I enjoy these freedoms but obviously, this wasn't doable this year.

So I embraced this type of solitude which was on a different level. I took this time to take stock, reevaluate my life and my future. I asked myself some hard questions but the best part was I truly listened to my inner voice in the quiet and I heard my answers. Even though this time at home for me has often been scary, difficult to manage alone financially, and I had an emotional rollercoaster ride of emotions across the board - I am still proud of myself.

Be proud of yourself.

I am proud that despite all of this year's life changes and roadblocks, I still did my best in these circumstances. I have a bed to sleep in, a roof over my head, food to cook and eat, a shower to bath, my laptop to work, and a TV, phone and books for entertainment. Even more grateful for my air conditioner to keep me cool during these brutal L.A. heatwaves this Summer and a home to stay inside to avoid the poor air quality from all the local fires. As I said, we all don't know need as much stuff as we think we do and the little things in life are huge, appreciated more than ever. We definitely don't need to waste our precious time on all of the unnecessary things in life, as tomorrow is promised to no one. I am so grateful for those who love me and who made sure from afar, that I was still healthy and alive.

Maybe this year has been even more devastating for you and that you feel like you just can't go on anymore. Or you can't find something to love again, but you just simply don't want to even try. Just as one heals from heartbreak, it just takes time. Give it some time. Be patient with yourself, let yourself process all of the changes, mourn the tragedies and learn from all this year has done to you and your loved ones. Then say a daily prayer of thanks for what positive perspectives you have gained from all the hardship of 2020.

Take the time this season to FALL in LOVE. Fall in love again with all your favorite things and experiences you might have forgotten about, and need to be reminded. Even make room for new things and experiences to love. Who knows what can or will happen in the remaining months of 2020? You could even FALL in LOVE with the man (or woman) of your dreams! You know why? Because anything is still possible in 2020, even after a hellish 7 months. That's the great gift of life, the future, and the unknown; you never know how life will surprise you and how and when things will get better.

So until then, take this new season of Fall in September, October, and November; to enjoy the day to day little things. Take stock in just how far you have come since March and all you have survived. Try to mourn and gently let go a little bit each day of all these tragedies and devasting losses this year while taking all the important knowelege with you. Most importantly please have FAITH that we all will begin a new again. Another new season of winter, leading into a new year ahead, and God willing with a better and brand new administration to get us out of this devasting mess and achieve a positive transformation. So let's remember to all be kinder to one another and to love ourselves more than ever.

Life won't ever be exactly the same as it was before Covid-19 and but maybe - just maybe....that's a good thing. Maybe life will be even better than before, because after all; to everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven.

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