Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentines Day All! 💕

Some people ask if Valentine's Day is actually a real holiday or just a made up one by the greeting card companies to make money.

Well, the truth is, that there is a whole story behind St. Valentine and how this day came.

💕 Saint Valentine, officially Saint Valentine of Rome, was a widely recognized 3rd-century Roman saint, commemorated in Christianity on February 14 and since the High Middle Ages is associated with a tradition of courtly love.💕


I love that! Being "courted" is a sign of true love and respect. I mean if you think about it, that is what Valentines Day shows us. Someone sending cards confessing one's love for one another, or sending chocolate and flowers as a sign of courting someone. How sweet, simple and romantic. It really doesn't take a lot of effort to show by a small lovely gesture, can be so big. I was a lucky little girl to have my FIRST Valentine be my Dad. He gave me a card, flowers and yes chocolate too! He still does, each and every year of my life on Valentine’s Day, as long as I can remember. I remember as a little girl, then being a young girl and then into my teen years and my twenties, receiving V-day's cards and gifts from crushes, boyfriends and or future boyfriends, and this always made me feel very special. I also got sweet V-day cards from my family and from my sweet girlfriends throughout my life, because after all - it isn't all just about romantic love, Valentine's day is a day to show those you love that you care for them and think they are special too.


In the movies and in real life, I've seen all kinds of love and how so may different things can happen on Valentine's Day.

Boyfriends and Girlfriends having a marriage proposal, or sadly even a break-up. Husbands and Wife's showering with special gifts and getting dressed up and going out to dinner. Girlfriends having an "I hate Valentine's Day dinner" together because they are single and sad not to have a man who loves and adores them. I know this specific day can make women feel even more single. Trust me, even though I have had many amazing Valentine's Days in my life, including an amazing and romantic first date on Valentine's Day that leads to a serious relationship! I have also had many Valentine's Day, being single. Is it easy? Not always, but guess what helped to make me still feel special? The yearly flowers, card, and candy that my Dad would send me. How blessed I am to have my Dad to set the bar for my future spouse of what he did for me and my Mother each year. Not just on Valentine's Day either. For the years I have been single, I made this day special for me, by me. I made Valentine's Day whatever I wanted it to be. I would spoil myself, by having a fun night of having my favorite dinner, watching a fun rom-com and eating chocolate. Or even a fun spa day to treat me, for me.

Remember that self-love sets the tone for all of your relationships in life; with your friends, family, boyfriend or girlfriend and or with your spouse. 💝

I have had a few times I have had some old dear friends post on my Facebook wall or send me a card or even a text saying to me,

"Thinking of you on this silly holiday and know that I love you and think you are special. Happy Valentine's Day. 💕"

I have even had horrible Valentine's Day where the man in my life at the time, wouldn't do anything for me or us on this day. So clearly they were not the person that I would be spending my life with. So the from the good, bad and amazing, I feel lucky to have had all types of Valentine's Day's to give me a true perspective of what I not only want, but what I deserve.


Sometimes people think that true love doesn't exist unless you are acknowledged publicly by your special someone. Well, this I find to be true. So ladies, remember to wait for the special man, the one who will court you and take you to a nice dinner often, the man who will bring you your favorite flowers on Valentine's Day, on your Birthday and even on any old day - just because he wants too. Wait for the man who will shout out to the world just how special you truly are and why, wait for the man that will show you off to the world to show just how much he loves you. Wait for the man who will be both your best friend and your lover. Be with the gentleman who will make each day feel like it’s Valentine's Day.

If you haven't found this man, wait until you do. Trust me, it will be worth the wait. Until then, make this heart day a celebration of your own heart and do what makes your special heart happy. Celebrate this time in your life of being single and celebrate that you didn't end up with the wrong man. Being alone on Valentine’s Day is way better than being with the wrong man, just to say you have someone. It simply isn't worth it and it will make you feel worse than being alone. Ladies, seriously - don’t even go there. Or if you are there, a reminder that you deserve more than this.

Some people may think that today it is just a fairytale or that true love doesn’t exist. Or that Valentine’s Day is just a silly holiday to celebrate a way of showing love in a commercial fashion. Don’t give up on believing in or having love.

The truth is no matter what your status is: single, dating, relationship, married or divorced, each day should be filled with love. Be with who you love and also by doing what you love. It's up to you to find all kinds of love in every day that we are given, not just on Valentine’s Day. 💖💖

I am wishing everyone a wonderful Valentine’s Day. May it be filled with beautiful flowers, yummy candy spoiling yourself and your special someone. But most of all, may it be filled with LOVE.
