Dear 2019

Thank you and goodbye with gratitude to 2018.

Hello 2019, let’s do this!

With a brand new year comes this important new mindset reminder; it is a great time for great beginnings.

Even though we are already almost halfway through the first month of this new year, I thought it was still important to talk about what this new year of new beginnings will bring for each of you. I know that feeling everyone gets on January 1st, you know what I mean - how you think that anything can happen and you are marinating in all of life's possibilities for the new year ahead. Well, it can and I just want you to keep this mindset and optimism on a daily basis. It is not always easy, but it is going to be so worth it.

I want you say this as a prayer of beginnings;

“As I enter each new day, new week, and with each new month - I will welcome with open arms all the new and exciting things that can and will happen in 2019.”

Great beginnings in some ways, are a wonderful blessing. It gives you a chance to start again, all the while remembering the life lessons that has brought you to today. I know it's so easy to think about and hang on to all of the mistakes you have made in past. But remember that if you erased all the mistakes of your past, then you would also erase all of the wisdom of your present to help your future.

So what new beginnings do you have to start, for all of your new goals to actually happen in 2019?

Have you moved or are you starting a new life? Or are you thinking about a doing a big move to your dream city, but you are too scared to leave the comforts of your current town? Go for it, remember, you are not a tree! While beginning again in a new home and a new life is very scary, please don't wake up in 25 years and regret that you didn't leave the comforts of your life, to embrace a new beginning at a new destination with a new life.

Are you starting a new job or do you want to apply for a new job? New beginnings in new careers can be crazy scary but they also can lead to being a huge happy part of your life when you find the exact right fit.

Are you wanting to get back or into better shape? I know it can feel overwhelming of what work it will take to reach your fitness goals, but remember we all have to begin somewhere - so the key is taking small steps every single day. Then after many days, weeks and months, you will wake up and see just how far you have come and how much closer you are getting to your goal(s). Remember your mental and physical health are THE most important things to take care of for yourself. So if you need a trainer and/or a therapist, but you are scared, trust me you will be so grateful you began this process. You are so worth it.

Have you recently started a new relationship? Think of how exciting the beginning stages of truly getting to know each other can be. Remember this feeling when you may have had some doubts about starting over when it comes to love and beginning again. Who knows, may this new beginning is the start of a life long commitment with the love of your life. I know it is hard when you have been hurt in the past, but to begin again is better for your heart and soul. Who knows where this new person and new relationship will take you!

Or perhaps you are going through an awful break up of even getting divorced and you are scared to begin dating again or to love again. While I have never been divorced, the key is to learn from this chapter of your life, grieve it fully, forgive yourself and them and then begin again.

If it’s something else entirely, then sit down and ask yourself WHAT do you really want out of life and what do you have to begins to do to get it? What goals, both personally and professionally are you going to go after this year and will ACHIEVE?

The reality is that life goals require hard work, great positive mindset, much focus, and a huge commitment of time and effort.

Are you still scared? If so, it is ok - that’s good. Hopefully this article will motivate you to get up every day wanting to make your life all wish for and more. If you are scared and paralyzed with fear and just don't think you can make any new changes. Remember, yes January 1st is great time to begin when starting over. But sometimes it takes some time to make an important life decision of how to start over. In fact it can be any day of the year when you do it. Please know it is never too late and that you that you can always begin again.

So take these words……whole heartily and truthful, from me to you -

You are going to make it.

It will be HARD.

But you are going to make it.

I also have my own goals and dreams that I want to accomplish this year too. So I will get up each day and do one thing at a time and keep all of these words of advice in my own heart too. Even on the tough days, especially on those hard days. I will remind myself that better days are just around the corner.

So, as we all begin together, please know I am behind you all the way. I also want to hear from you and hear what your new beginnings are or will be. Remember as you begin each new step, that all of this hard work ahead will someday lead to so many wonderful dreams coming true for you. Beginning is the toughest part, but we all have to start somewhere.

So here's to 2019 being a great year! In fact, let’s make it the best one yet, for all of us!
