Just a friendly reminder: it's going to be okay


When situations felt difficult or were extremely hard for me to see through, my Mother would simply say “It's going to be OK, sweetie." In those painful moments, I would reply back with “Really Mom - When?” She'd retort back with a quiet sigh and that "Motherly Look" that radiated 'I know everything seems really tough right now and I'm sad that you're in pain, but listen, everything is going to be O.K.'

In those immediate moments of despair and sadness, I would wipe away my tears and think to myself; When are things really going to get better!?

When my Mother passed away, it was only then that her words of wisdom, truth, and honesty began to settle in and I began to have these 'aha moments' about everything. I realized how naive I was and how much understanding I really lacked because I thought I knew it all. She really had experienced so much, therefore, had acquired many life lessons as a result. 

Over time, what I've come to both realize and understand is that there really isn't a strong or deeply resonating message out there that tells you that you're 20's are hard. It's in those years that you're potentially completing higher education, finally identified as an adult in most states plus abroad and are also beginning to try to find why in it all - you're actually out there acting and thinking on your own. 

As I approached my 30's, I began to learn so much about myself through my life experiences and gained insight into who I really was and what I wanted for my future, and so will you - all of your experiences will transform you on so many levels. You'll begin to feel both positive and negative changes take effect in your every day and it'll shape the very person who you'll bloom into.  

Stepping into my 40's was utter bliss. I began to have aha moments, one after another and in each instant, I would step into who I really was, proudly becoming who I am today. I often relate to these moments to the cultivation of fine wine, that has aged so well over time and now, tastes magnificent. I honestly began to understand my why and what is truly important in life. 

You will realize this too and come to a better sense of calm in yourself.

That's not to say it that your own aha moments about your life can't or won't happen sooner. Don't fret, in your own time, you will understand that each experience you grow through, life simply get's easier to comprehend.

Fast forward to this current point in my life, I now realize and understand completely that life is not a race, it's a marathon. As days, months and weeks to years would go by, I would slowly but surely recognize that each moment I was gifted with to try again was another invaluable lesson learned, and now, standing on the other side, I'm even more content and confident than before.

Just take a look at this photo above of this gorgeous sun setting over Madeket Beach in Nantucket - I was at a life-changing crossroad in my later adulthood years. It was daunting yet tremendously freeing to go deep inside to find "it", my true calling of self. I knew it, believed it deeply, that things from here on out were only going to get better and now I realize that I had to do it alone.

"Some of our most valuable lifelong lessons are gained when we walk alone."

Reminiscing now, there were so many times that I should have just trusted my inner self and intuition more. Just so I would not have made the same repeated mistakes in different situations or have suffered both so much in both physical and mentally exhausting spaces. I just wish I'd of taken my own advice more, that I was clearly so willing to give out to  colleagues, friends and family.

But as they say, could've, would've, should've?!

To this day, I often recall this inspiring quote by Maya Angelo...

“When you know better - you do better.”

I believe that with each new experience gifted to us, is a wonderful chance to try again with a fresh perspective. So I stand here proud, claiming my excellence and basking in complete gratitude for all the good, bad and ugly, that has brought me here to this place and space. These experiences have shaped my understanding of life and have brought me to my present-day self, and is one of the many reasons why I started this online community. To be that voice of motivation and inspiration that I lacked so much of in my early adult years and pay it forward to younger women in their 20s, 30s and beyond.

So let me reiterate, it IS going to be O.K.

I am still working each and every day to not only better myself but to create a stronger foundation for my future because life is like the ocean waves, it washes over you and so you come back stronger. Always be receptive to change, stay in your truth and remain in gratitude. 

Remember, you are the only one that has the power over your life and a responsibility to make it a positive as possible for you. No, it's not easy, but it's worth it - as each new season in your life begins, you will have gained new insights and perspectives that can change it all. 

So always choose you and go after all of your dreams by turning them into your realities, surround yourself with energies that inspire you, people who push you towards your greatness and who are also levelling up themselves.

I promise you, there will come a day when it the beautiful sun rays will shine down on you, releasing calmness and you'll realize it was all worth it.
